Sunday, July 20, 2008
Do you think Joss Whedon just sits around laughing maniacly at all the emotional trauma he inflicts?
Friday, July 18, 2008
Joss Whedon is my hero
Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-long Blog
Watch it for all it's worth as they're yanking it on Sunday night
(haven't figured out why).
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Friday, June 13, 2008
Finally we can take a slap shot on the Wii!
It's about time they brought an NHL game to the Wii. There isn't a single sport out there more suited to the Wii-Mote's capabilities. Stick handling, aiming your shot, fighting... it's perfect!
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story.
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - What the hell, George Lucas? 3/4 of a good Indiana Jones movie spoiled by an ending that was so overt in it's supernatural elements that I was left unable to argue with Erin when she turned to me and said "This is retarded." The whole point of Indiana Jones is that the supernatural/theological elements are left mostly unexplained. That's how I can accept the Ark of the Covenant killing/melting the faces of the Nazis. But there's nothing left ambiguous about this ending (which decided that theology was too outdated, let's go X-Files). Which is too bad because I was enjoying the hell out of myself for the first 3/4 of the movie or, what I'll term, the Spielberg parts. Good chases scenes, action, comedy all rolled into one with Harrison Ford's smirk making me forget how long ago it was he was last in big fun roles like this. Shia LaBeouf didn't really piss me off all that much and the rest of the cast does fine with what it's got. It didn't help that John Hurt is cast in another Prof. Bruttenholm role which Dwain summed up nicely after the "Space between spaces" line by stating "You know, where Hellboy lives." So I'm giving up on Lucas. Sorry, I'll go back to my original trilogies and enjoying the fun that was the 80's. Maybe I'll watch this movie on DVD and just stop once they get to the "Kingdom".
News and Notes:
Joss Whedon finally finishes up his astounding run on Astonishing X-men today. I'm actually excited for comic book. I'm a little sad.
Interesting Q&A session with Peter Jackson and Guillermo Del Toro on the Hobbit movies:
Ok, so the Mets won a game against the Marlins. Now let's make it 2 in a row and we're only 4.5 out. Baby steps...
Until next time:
"A pencil entered Barney's nose and you call it a miracle?"
"Do you have a better explanation for it?"
"A drunk jackass with a box of pencils?"
"A drunk jackass called God and a box of pencils called Destiny"
Thursday, May 22, 2008
I Love Midnight Train to Georgia
Sunday, May 11, 2008
I've always loved fortune cookies. You reach into the bowl and randomly select something that applies to you and only you.
Iron Man:
Take everything you loved about Spider-Man. The action, the comedy, the fun. And then take away what you didn't like: A whole lot of saccharine, nail grating dialogue that even the greatest acting talent in the world couldn't pull off let alone Kirstin Dunst. That's Iron Man. Robert Downey Jr. is everything you could have hoped for as Tony Stark and more. Sure Toby Maguire has the funny/nerdy side of Peter Parker down. Robert Downey Jr. has the funny/cool/bit of a jerk side of Tony Stark. He's George Clooney in a Metal suit. Hell, even the slightly generic Iron Monger villain works out terrific thanks to Jeff Bridges portrayal (hey Willam Defoe, it is possible to be tiny bit over the top without needing the Heimlich from chewing so much scenery). I won't say this definitely the best Marvel movie ever but it's right up there with Spidey 2 and X2.
Mario Kart Wii:
Ok, I really came in not expecting much from this game. Yeah, it's Mario Kart and the only game I may have played more than the original Mario Kart was Mario Kart 64. But I just wasn't as blown away by Double Dash (despite being one of the few who did enjoy the 2 rider gimmick) and hadn't heard a whole lot of great things about this one. I still am not a huge fan of choosing your kart but other than that, this game kicks ass. The bikes are a neat addition. The online mode is the best time I've had playing online with the Wii, and the throwback tracks bring back some great memories (Mario Raceway from N64... the amount of time spent trying to break the 2 minute mark on that sucker). And it's the first game since Wii Sports to have really good Mii integration. I'm racing as me! Woo! It's Mario Kart at it's best so what are you waiting for?
Netflix Roku:
Look, this is a cool box for those of you who don't have laptops or media pc, but it's not the panacea of digital media people are making it out to be and it's not really all that much of a competitor to the appleTV. Granted, the appleTV is a niche market but it's a media server. You can store files on it and play them. The Roku basically just take the place of hooking my laptop up via an S-video cable to my TV. Great it you don't have a laptop, but talk to me when it's got a hard drive and can play stored files. And for all those reports about how few Netflix Top 100 movies are available for watch instantly, these are the current top 10:
- Crash
- The Departed
- The Pursuit of Happyness
- Little Miss Sunshine
- Walk the Line
- Mr. and Mrs. Smith
- The Devil Wears Prada
- Blood Diamond
- Hotel Rwanda
- The Notebook
It's not like they're the hottest movies out right now.
News and Notes:
They've announced Runaways. Now get Brian K. Vaughn to script it and Joss Whedon to direct and this could be an amazing movie. Get Don Payne to script and Brian Robbins to direct and we can weep for the future.
So the Mets were just handed a 4 game sweep by the Braves. F&*@!!!
Indiana Jones tonight. Show us you can still handle Lucas' writing, Spielberg. Please!
Until next time:
"Is she okay? Is my mom alright?"
"Calm down, Tolchuck. If something were seriously wrong, I would've found you myself, which reminds me, you know which class Kenny Henderson's in?"
"What? No!"
"Mmm...I would not want to be him right now."
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
When life gives you lemons, just say 'F&%@ the lemons' and bail ... aka my Summer Movie Preview
Iron Man:
I still can't believe Jon Favreau cast Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark. Is there anyone enjoying a better resurgence in his career right now? He's suddenly the new Johnny Depp (and if you don't think Johnny Depp had a slump in his career you haven't seen The Ninth Gate or the Astronaut's Wife). In addition to Downey, it's got Terrence Howard, Jeffrey Lebowski, Stan Winston doing the practical effects plus the guy Sayid killed on last week's Lost. I mean even Gwyneth Paltrow can't annoy the hell out me in this movie, can she? Right? Maybe?
It's a cruel twist of life that I've seen both Rush Hour 3 and Smoking Aces but I've yet to see Ratatouille. Hopefully this will be rectified soon. But I am excited for any new Pixar flick that may or may not have ripped off it's main character's design from Short Circuit. Yes Virginia, Johnny Five is alive.
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull:
It's Indiana Frakkin' Jones. I wouldn't't care if Harrison Ford used a walker the entire movie. I don't care that George Lucas lost all story writing credibility with Episodes 1-3. It's directed by Spielberg. It has Cate Blanchett, Ray Winstone, and a freakishly unaged Karen Allen. Let's just hope there's some face melting left in. I'm still traumatized by the heart rip from Temple of Doom.
The Dark Knight:
Sure, the death of Heath Ledger is going to make this a little eerie but after the disappointment of Superman Returns and the outright cancellation of Joss Whedon's Wonder Woman (Damn you Warner Bros!), it's time for DC to get a major quality movie back out there. Who knows? We might not even miss Katie Holmes (read: we won't miss Katie Holmes).
Hellboy II: The Golden Army
The first Hellboy was a wonderful movie and anyone who doesn't agree is just plain wrong. Guillermo Del Toro has a few more Oscar statuettes to prove his case as a quality storyteller and I'm looking forward to Ron Perlman being back in the red makeup. And then we move on the The Hobbit. Giggity.
The final slot is a two way split: Get Smart and Pineapple Express. The Mel Brooks created Get Smart was quite possibly my favorite TV show when I was young. Don Adams was a comedic genius. So Steve Carell stepping into the shoes is just a dream (I could've made a shoe phone joke there but I'm sure someone already has beaten that joke to death so let's just move on, shall we?). Alan Arkin as the Chief and General Zod as Siegfried are also perfect casting. But the trailer? Not so great. I'm just worried the script and directing are going to turn this into Steve Martin's The Pink Panther. And then I will cry. Pineapple Express on the other hand had a great trailer (which may have unduly influenced me with it's use of M.I.A.'s Paper Planes) and Ed Begley Jr. The latest from Mr. Apatow's clique could be a brilliant stoner comedy or could be dumb as Steve Martin's The Pink Panther. Time will tell.
P.S. Speaking of the Apatow clique, go see Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Freaking hilarious.
Until next time:
"There's only one cure for pain like that."
"Weed. Ya got any?"
"Well then let's just go surfing!"
Monday, April 28, 2008
This is the type of Monday morning it was
This conversation came up in relation to the Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker theme party these people threw for their 5 year old.
See the absurd and yet awesome detail they put into it:
Jeff: Someday when I have a kid, I can only hope to compete with this party.
Jeff: Honey, I’m not saying you have to hand-stitch deku people or make a Zelda piñata. That’s just silly. You don’t even play Zelda games. So what we’ll need to do is make a little Kirby costume for the baby and give him a baseball bat.
Jeff: You hear that hon?
Thursday, April 24, 2008
If it couldn't be Peter Jackson...
Guillermo del Toro to direct 'Hobbit'
Please let Ron Perlman be the voice of Smaug. Please let Ron Perlman be the voice of Smaug. Please let Ron Perlman be the voice of Smaug.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
I just don't see what wrong with having a nice glass of wine with a pancake.
So just back from a nice trip to Oahu where I did indeed managed to get up on the surf board. I have the pictures to prove it:

Can someone tell me what's going on with airline services? I realize that airlines are trying to cut down on costs but when you're only giving me one mini-bag of pretzels and The Devil Wears Prada for a 6 hour flight, that's pretty pathetic. Speaking of terrible in-flight movies:
Rush Hour 3 - A thousand monkeys typing on a thousand typewriters would scream and throw their poo at the screen if ever forced to watch this worthless waste of celluloid. I now retroactively hate X3 even more after seeing this latest abomination of Brett Ratner.
The Golden Compass - I consider myself a pretty intuitive guy when it comes to movies. And I can watch a disjointed movie and usually find myself accepting convoluted or even gapping holes in logic. But even after wikipedi-ing the source material for this movie, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Not to mention Nicole Kidman doesn't speak in a normal voice the entire movie. She whispers every single line she has like she's just awestruck to be acting opposite a CG monkey. And I like Freddy Highmore. In general he's one of the few child actors who doesn't either outright suck at acting or who doesn't overcompensate by chewing the scenery Broadway style. But he just is terrible in the voice over role. Maybe it's due to recording his lines alone in a studio but he never seems to be conversing in the same tone as the real actors he's supposed to be talking to.
News and Notes:
Finally watched 3:10 to Yuma. What is up with Alan Tudyk always being killed after a funny one liner?
Baseball season is back. C'mon Mets, let's get those bats going. And stop having your pitchers getting injured.
Summer movie season is almost upon us. Stay tuned for the summer movie preview. Coming soon to a Mustard near you.
Until next time:
"It's awesome! It's like the Sith Lords man, there's always only two of them."
"Did you just Star Wars us?"
Monday, March 31, 2008
Eff You Major League Baseball
Monday, March 17, 2008
Isn't it enough to know that I ruined a pony making a gift for you?
Lá Fhéile Pádraig sona daoibh! I hope you're all out following the companies take line and drinking Guinness responsibly. But probably not.
Has anyone else noticed how hard it is to find a movie in theaters you actually want to go see? Sure, I kinda want to see both Semi Pro and In Bruges but with the ease of Netflix and the movie studios feverous desire to release movies on DVD within minutes of their box office revenue taking a dip, it's getting harder and harder to justify paying $10 for a non-prime movie in theaters. I'm sure studio execs would hate to hear that but they just posted record revenue for 2008 based on those higher ticket prices so they can wipe the the tears away with ten dollar bills.
Smash Bros - I love this game. I'm a little annoyed at all the bashing about the Sub Space Emissary Story Mode and all the complaints that it amounts to glorified fan fiction. Hello? What do you think Smash Bros is? It's a fighting game in which Mario can take on Link and Kirby can beat up on Star Fox. It's literally the old "who would win in a fight" discussion. And you're upset when this doesn't yield a Michael Gondry-esque narrative (actually given the increasingly surreal scripts he's generated lately, he might have come up with something like this)? So for Sakurai's sake, lay off the "story doesn't make sense" whining and just enjoy the fact that the cut scenes are entertaining, the mode is something new and different for the series and the game itself is still unbelievably fun. Now if you don't mind I'm gonna go practice a little more so my wife will stop beating me with Kirby (that frakking cooking smash).
News and Notes:
Notre Dame vs. George Mason in round one. It'll be interesting around here for that game.
Baseball is almost upon us. Amen to that.
The Return of Jezebel James - new show by Amy Sherman Palladino. It's ok but that laugh track is so horrendous. It absolutely kills the humor.
Until next time:
"So, you just finished off the bottle?"
"Well, I had to. It's vodka, you know. It goes bad once it's opened."
"I think that's another one of mum's little fibs. You know, like, I'll sacrifice anything for my children."
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Friday, March 07, 2008
Fisher we hardly knew ye and Musicians who do drugs
On the other we're actually going more obscure by the sudden appearance of actor Kevin Durand as another other Other. If you're thinking, "Hey, wasn't he one of the crazy Tremor brothers in Smokin' Aces?" then I feel sorry for you cause that means you've actually seen Smokin' Aces (how the eff do you make an action shoot 'em up that pretentious, Joe Carnahan? HOW!?). You may also recognize him from his less psychotic role as Tree in Mystery, Alaska.
Speaking of character actors, after watching Coffee and Cigarettes I've come to two conclusions:
1. I think it would be fascinating to do a comparison of who's done more drugs, Iggy Pop or Keith Richards.
2. If they ever make a movie biopic about Tom Waits, Ron Perlman absolutely has to star. I mean just look at them:

Tuesday, March 04, 2008
I shall return in a nonce. At most, two nonces.
Can I ask why on earth Harmonix has not at least announced a release date for Rock Band on Wii? It makes no sense. It would take very little effort to port the PS2 version to Wii. Granted, it would be nice if they could add in the online mode missing in that version. But Guitar Hero III on Wii per NDP data was the 3rd best selling game across all consoles for both January and December amounting to over 2 million units sold. Don't you think by releasing the game onto what is obviously a receptive market for this type of game could help them recoup the supposed $200 million it cost to develop the game? Just a thought.
Only a few more days until the release of Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Given how it's look so far, I see little reason to sleep for the next few weeks or so. Seriously, it's got a stage that looks like the original DK arcade game:

How ridiculously cool is that?
Indie album of the week for your listening pleasure: VHS or Beta's Bring on the Comets. Little bit of the Killers. Little bit of Interpol. Little bit of Franz Ferdinand. Incredibly entertaining. Burn It All Down made by best of 2007 playlist (narrowly beating out Can't Believe a Single Word). Check it out.
News and notes:
Did anyone notice Fred Armisen's impression of Barak Obama on SNL the other night? When did Obama suddenly become Bullwinkle?
Au revoir Brett Favre.
Slow going for movies right now. Though Leatherheads has a chance to be entertaining in a few weeks. If the trailers are any indication, George Clooney is fully channeling the Cohen brothers. Strange fact, the movie is co-written by Sports Illustrated columnist Rick Reilly. Weird.
Until next time:
"Nobody plays jazz at the Pit Stop!"
"Then why is the song on the jukebox?"
"We use it for profiling purposes. We also have the Pet Shop Boys and Seal."
Monday, March 03, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Drink and be merry, for tomorrow we will be in a great deal of pain
Back from a ridiculously quick weekend trip to San Francisco by way of San Jose. Due to my inability to properly calculate distances, Erin and I managed to pull of a 12 mile walking tour of the city including the harbor, Chinatown and some of the sketchiest areas of a major city I've ever walked through. But damned if we weren't going to see those Full House houses. Needless to say, after all that walking I've been doing a wonderful impression of Javier Bardem's Oscar winning performance sans the terrible hair and bolt pistol.
Speaking of the Oscar's, someone was looking down from on high this Sunday at the Oscars when 'Falling Slowly' from Once took the prize for best song over a trio of Disney songs. Amen to that. Seriously, if you haven't seen the movie yet, the scene with that song is easily the best music moment in a movie since Stillwater belted out 'Tiny Dancer' on a cross country bus trip. Even the performance at the Oscars was oustanding as was Jon Stewart's save of poor Markéta Irglová who was almost gipped out of her acceptance speech.
Can someone explain to me how 2 different Black Eyed Peas got cast in two major movies? gets cast in the upcoming Wolverine movie and Taboo is going to be in the new Street Fighter movie. Two questions come to mind. One, is this because Fergie suddenly became a break out single star and the rest of the band is heading the way of No Doubt and Matchbox 20, waiting for the star to get bored of their solo pop status to make a pity album with them? Two, how did Taboo get screwed on this casting? Talk about losing the coin toss. Do you think they'll at least give him a speech worthy of the Street Fighter name:
News and Notes:
So read the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: The Black Dossier. I get it Alan Moore. You're smarter and much better read than I am. Thanks for making me feel next to illiterate.
If you're not on board the Jonathan Coulton train, you're not living.
The Browns look to be tendering a 3 year, $20 million offer to Derek Anderson. Sucks to be Brady Quinn right now.
Variety reports that Jeffrey Katzenberg is blaming videogames for the weaker than expected sales of Shrek 3 on DVD. Apparently Katzenberg has never seen the movie. He's lucky he managed to bamboozle $300 million out of people in the theaters with that worthless cash-in.
Until next time:
"Is that the woman you lost your virginity to?"
"The one that looks like Ronnie Corbett."
"That is Ronnie Corbett. Why would she be wearing a tuxedo?"
"She might be a lesbian."
"Then why would I lose my virginity to a lesbian?"
"Don't know. She might have turned lesbian after you slept with her."
Friday, February 15, 2008
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Is Canada still ruled by the queen of England? Because if the judges there are gonna be wearing wigs, as an American, I might have an issue with that.
Mustard: Once upon a time, it actually existed regularly
Ok, 2008 has been here for quite some time. But it's been a little busy this past month but I've finally found some time to put up my feet, stretch my legs and attempt to write a semi-coherent blog post.
So what have I been up to lately? Guitar Hero. Lots and lots of Guitar Hero. It became the focus of New Years. It's become the focus of a many a weekend. And rightly so. It’s gotten to the point where I’ve been having trouble sleeping as my brain is playing My Name is Jonas on repeat. Now we just need Rock Band to come out for the Wii and all bets are off.
Combine that with my love of Mario Galaxy and I just don’t foresee when sleep will come into play in the near future. Oh and then there’s Smash Bros in a month. And may God have mercy on my soul.
Johan Santana going to the Mets. That makes the 2008 season a whole lot brighter on the rotation side. Now let's shore up the relief situation and make sure they don't get completely burnt out by September.
Lost: It's been way too long since good TV was last on? Ok, Pushing Daisies has only been done for a short time now. But man, it feels longer than that.
So after watching Wonderfalls, I feel more and more guilty that I did not watch the show when it was on. To be fair, Fox only did air 4 episodes but I haven’t been this retroactively bummed since I finished watching Firefly.
A "tentative" deal has been reached to end the writers' strike. Now was that so hard?If my heart is a little broken Peter Jackson isn't going to be directing the new Hobbit movie, Guillermo Del Toro replacing him makes everything a whole lot better. Now make it work studios.
Until next time:
I don't even like waterparks. I mean I did, until someone thought it'd be funny to go down the slide two seconds after me.
Dude, the lifeguard told me to go.
Really? Did he also tell you to take your trunks off, Turk? Because the last thing a guy wants to see when he's in a splash pool is his best friend's junk headed towards him at forty miles per hour. Felt like I got pistol-whipped
Monday, February 04, 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
First Oscar Prediction
Saturday, January 12, 2008
An open letter to the HFP
The Savages is not a comedy. While it has a comedic moment or two (mostly in an awkward sense), is it for the most part a tragic look at the conditions facing the elderly in our society and the effects this has on their families. It is a very good movie with excellent performances by both Philip Seymour Hoffman and Laura Linney. It would seem that Ms. Linney was left off the nomination list because, unlike Mr. Hoffman, she does not have that one particular scene where she manages to go on a large rant which is apparently needed by you voters in order to earn a nomination. Yes, what a pity that subtlety is not longer valued in an actor's repertoire. But I digress. When I walk out of a movie emotionally exhausted, I'm afraid I'm not thinking, "Remember that one part where Philip Seymour Hoffman is in that portable traction sling and looks ridiculous? Ha ha, what a funny movie." Really, I can only come to two conclusions: One, that you didn't actually see this movie. Two, you are all sick sick people who find dismal portrayals of dysfunctional families dealing with terrible situations funny. In the words of my wife, "this was one of the most depressing movies I've ever seen." You can recognize great performances but let's be a little intelligent about what type of movie they're in, what do you say?
Mr. Snow
P.S. Next letter we start talking about why you can't eliminate the "musical" clarification entirely. If it's a musical drama, just put it there.