Tuesday, September 18, 2007

I'd hate to see the pursuit of a homicidal lunatic get in the way of pursuing a homicidal lunatic.

Mustard: Who are you to say no?

So after long speculation and rumor, Spiral Frog has finally launched. For those of you who don’t know, Spiral Frog offers free DRM’d music downloads supported by advertising on the site. What makes it different than your usual “free” download site is that this site is actually backed by Universal Music Group so it has legitimately big artists available. Eschewing those, I gave it a try and was able to download and play with very little effort an old Phantom Planet album. However, ever since then I haven’t been able to access any other less than super popular groups on the site such as Kaiser Chiefs, Rogue Wave or (strangely enough considering it’s current radio airplay) the new Rooney album. I’ll chalk it up to the service only being a day or two old, but I’ll hold off on any real opinion until I can access all albums freely.

Rick Gervais nominated for an Emmy? Excellent. Ricky Gervais winning an Emmy? Outstanding. Ricky Gervais not being at the Emmys so presenters Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert give it to Steve Carrell? Priceless.

What the %^$# is up the Mets? Do they just not want to make the playoffs? They get swept by the Phils at home and now they get theirs asses handed to them by the Nats. The frakking Nats!? A team whose best hitter is Wily Mo freaking Pena!? Hang you head in shame “Amazins” and get your act together! As of the time of this writing the Nats have managed to pull at 4 run comeback and are sitting on top of the Mets, 8-7 and I swear to God the Nats' announcers actually seem sorry for the Mets at this point.

News and Notes:

Smash Bros has wi-fi without absolutely needing friend codes! And it has personalized taunts against those with friend codes! Giggity.

So I’ve never been a big Halo fan (no Xbox and all) but if the video making the rounds is really the ending of Halo 3… Bungie you have some juevos grandes.

Jim Broadbent as Rufus Scrimgeour in Harry Potter 6? I like it a lot.

Yes, I did expect Notre Dame to be bad this year. But what in the hell was that against Michigan? I thought they were supposed to improve after the Penn State game.

Until next time:

"And, you know, with the pain and the death, maybe you shouldn't be leaping into the fray like that. Maybe you should be... fray adjacent."

"Excuse me? Who, at a crucial moment, distracted the lead demon by allowing her to pummel him about the head?"

"Yeah, that was real manly how you shrieked and all."

Friday, September 07, 2007

Business is like a jungle. And I am like a tiger. And Dwight is like a monkey that stabs the tiger in the back with a stick.

Mustard: Able to leap tall building in a single bound.

(trivia note: Did you know that Superman originally could not fly, just jump very far? The more you know…)

Football season is in the air. Ok, so it’s been in the air for a week now, but it’s in the air nonetheless. The Colts began their title defense in strong fashion last night by beating the ever-loving tar out of the Saints. Good gravy did Drew Brees look like he just didn’t care anymore by the end. And Jason David was starting to look like Wile E. Coyote with how badly those Colt receivers were blowing by him.

Sadly the Irish did not begin their year in so happy a fashion. The QB musical chairs routine reeked of uncharacteristic Weiss desperation and now that he’s been put in, there’s no way Clausen is coming out short of total meltdown. Hope he’s up to it cause this is not going to be a happy football year for Domers. On the positive side, we’re not Michigan. Hahahaha. So long, farewell to those title dreams.

Why must Apple tease me so? All I wanted was a wide-screen iPod. I don’t give a rats behind about all those iPhone features. But when they finally announce one, the iPod Touch, it only has 16 freakin’ GB of storage. I don’t care that it’s flash memory! Give me at least more than the 20 GB I currently have on my iPod “classic”! I want to be able to fit my music AND my movies on there. Damn you Steve Jobs!

News and Notes:

The fact that the Rock is starring in The Game Plan, which might give The Pacifier a run for it’s money in “action star attempting to grab a quick paycheck” territory, just makes me pray that Southland Tales ends up being a good movie.

“This is ouuuuuuuuuuuuur country!” Oh sweet merciful crap can we kill this song? I’m begging here.

Strahan back with Giants… good thing. Tom Coughlin still coaching the Giants… not so good.

Pedro’s back! And throwing a mighty fine game too even if it was just against the Reds.

Until next time:

“Listen up everybody, I'd like to make an announcement. Christmas is canceled.”

“You can't cancel a holiday.”

“Give it up Stanley or you'll lose New Years.”

“What does that mean?”

“Jim, take New Years away from Stanley.”