Wednesday, November 29, 2006

I am fast. Just to give you a reference point, I'm somewhere between a snake and a mongoose...and a panther.

Mustard, sure. Just no more turkey, please.

So rough loss for the Irish and the haters have commenced. I’ll say it right now: Notre Dame ended up over-rated this year. The only real quality win ended up being the GA Tech win. However, and I know everyone will call me an idiot for saying this, if Notre Dame had beaten Michigan, would everyone be saying how overrated and unworthy of a BCS game Michigan was? Look, the fact of the matter is that Michigan’s only quality win was over an admittedly over-rated Notre Dame. The only other tough game they really played was to Ohio State which they lost. Yeah there Wisconsin but seriously, they played an even easier schedule than Michigan so I don’t buy that. So Michigan, prove me wrong in your BCS game. That’s the real fun of the BCS: no more hiding behind an easy schedule for anyone.

Oh and Boise State? Attempt to play a real team and then we’ll talk about your “undefeated” season.

So I’ve caught up on the first 4 episodes of the O.C. to see if this “comeback” is real. It’s head and shoulders above the crap that was season 3 but I’m not ready to say it’s back just yet.

Heroes has officially got me. It’s a lot easier to hook someone when you have multiple episodes tivo’d for uninterrupted watching. Now which X-men will the rip off next?

Oh my God! You killed Ed Begley Jr.! You bastards! Just like Steven Guttenberg now that I think about it. Logan Echolls is my hero.

Caught The Fountain this weekend. I won’t waste a lot of time with a review as I’m still not even sure what I saw but I’m fairly certain I enjoyed it. This movie is a total mind trip. I haven’t been this challenged by a film since Lynch’s Mulholland Drive. I think Erin’s reaction at the end of it put it best: That movie was freaking weird! And she’s absolutely right. It’s not an easy movie and it’s damn near impossible to understand the whole thing. It’s got some great acting by Hugh Jackman and Rachael Weisz and the cinematography is absolutely gorgeous. So if you’re up for a movie that’s probably like nothing you’ve ever seen, give it a try.

And just cause it's fun:

News and Notes:

This just isn’t my sports year. I’ve accepted it. From the Rangers being swept in the opening round of the playoffs, to the Mets inability to go the distance, to the Irish failing to live up to the hype, to the collapse of the Giants, I’m just not going to win this year.

Can someone please explain to me the allure of shopping on Black Friday? I just don’t get it.

Peter Jackson: he’s not directing the Hobbit/ he is directing the Hobbit. Come on New Line, don’t be a bunch of asses. He only made you billions of dollars and gave you some actual credibility.

Until next time:

“What's you problem with a giant flat screen? I mean you love TV.”

“Yeah, but just because I love something doesn't mean I want it to be giant. I love grapes, you know, but I don't wanna sit down and eat one humongous ... no, that would be fun!”

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Prestons do not go into the woods. A guy named Preston is gonna get his ass kicked by a squirrel.

Ladies, ladies, ladies, the Mustard is in the hiz-ouse.

So much to talk about, so little time, so here we go:

First up, guess who got to play some Wii last weekend? During a quick weekend trip up to NYC, I somehow manage to convince Erin to stop by the Nintendo World Store where they had a whole lotta Wii demos set up. While I didn’t get a whole heckuva lot of time due to the large crowd there, I did get to play a little Wii Sports and Excite Truck.

I got some time in with the Bowling portion of Wii Sports and I gotta say, it was pretty fun. While the game completely eschews graphics for simple stylized (alright, I’ll admit, “kiddie”) visuals, the gameplay itself is sweet. Though it took to me to my last frame to even pick up a spare, I can see this as being a pretty darn fun multiplayer game. The ability to add spin to the throw by turning your wrist as you bowl, exactly like you would with a real bowling ball, is really cool. Add in the other games of Golf, Tennis, Boxing and Baseball and the fact that the game is an included pack-in game with the Wii and you’ve got a winner on your hands.

I got one race in Excite Truck and proceeded to come in dead last. But the control scheme is again unique and quite fun where you turn the “wii-mote” sideways and turn it like a steering wheel to maneuver. Given that I’ve never been a huge racing fan (exceptions being the Mario Kart and F-Zero series), I’m unsure if this is a must-have for me. But an awesome new feature that’s just been announced is the ability to use your own MP3’s to create a soundtrack for the game via an SD card. That’s a brilliant move and I hope we see a lot more of it.

So in general, the new controller is living up to the hype. I was pissed they didn’t have a Zelda demo up but then again, I don’t need a demo to know that game is going to absolutely own.

It’s funny, with all the craziness surrounding the PS3 Launch, I really don’t see a whole lot of exclusive launch games for it that would really make the system a must-have. Resistance looks pretty good but not really all that much better than say Gears of War on the 360. Maybe I’m missing something but I’ve yet to see a real reason to upgrade from the PS2 at this point. But then again with the ridiculous shortage of machines, that’s probably a good thing since most people won’t be able to upgrade.

You knew this was gonna be here:

Music You Should Be Listening To:

+/- (Plus/Minus) - Let's Build a Fire

The opening title track starts out as though it's being played over a gramophone before suddenly cranking out the horn section and guitars. Fadeout's minimalism feels like a song just constantly building until the very last minute when the drums and guitars explode into the picture. I'm still waiting for Steal the Blueprints to be released as Death Cab's newest single with its up-tempo guitars and backing vocals. Thrown Into the Fire has the synthy beats and sounds that are very reminiscent of Stars. An entertaining album from an off the radar band.

Ben Kweller - Ben Kweller

Things start off with the upbeat piano-fused, Run (which in no small way feels inspired by Springsteen’s Born to Run). Penny on the Track wins the Windows Down in the Car Award for this album with it’s quick, piano pounding tempo. Thirteen goes in the opposite direction with its simplicity being unbelievably effective. It’s repeating piano chords feed the songs multiple verses with no real chorus, only a simple harmonica interlude. By far my favorite track on the album. All in all a mighty fine album for when you’re looking for something a little different.

News and Notes:

South Bend was a damn fine time even if it was also damn cold. Good to finally see a win in the stadium again (haven’t seen one since my senior year). Oh and Erin nearly had a heart attack when Brady Quinn ALMOST got on our elevator in the hotel. We had to settle for the Irish D Line instead but he was that close to her!

Speaking of College Football, why why WHY couldn’t South Carolina have kicked that damn field goal!? That’s all we would’ve needed to put the Irish in really good position for a title run. Now Florida needs to fall flat before the season ends. Oh and props to Rutgers! Who would’ve guessed?

With all the shows getting picked up for a full season, you know what name I’d reeeeeally like to hear? Veronica Mars. Come on WB!!! Not just 3 additional episodes, I want the full season!

So is it really worth going to see Happy Feet in order to see the new Harry Potter trailer? That is the question a surprising number of people may be contemplating this weekend.

Until next time:

“Dad, you're eating Dr. Phil!”

“It's amazing, he tastes just like Jeffrey Tambor.”

Thursday, November 02, 2006

There’s a loop people and I’m in it. Not only am I in it, I’m the big curvy part.

Mustard: Catch the fever! Catch it!!!

So if I was Bernard right now, I’d be scared out of my mind. He’s the only Tailie left. Anyone else really really want them to start moving on the story here? I realize Lost is all about the mystery but if you’re going to introduce 13 new questions per show, maybe we can answer one or two? I mean yeah, we now know how the smoke monster killed Greg Grunberg but now we’ve got a pirate on the island? Let the Dharrrrrma Initiative jokes begin. Poor Eko. We shall miss him. This is the first time they’ve actually killed off a fan favorite. More power to ‘em.

Wow, John Kerry. Could that have been a dumber move this close to the election? First off, is him stumping for the candidates that great an idea? The guy isn’t all that likeable and quite frankly isn’t going to pull any fence voters. But wow, what a time to “botch a joke”. I say it’s all a conspiracy. I can see it now, a press conference is called where Kerry and Bush face off over the remark only to suddenly smile and hug each other with Karl Rove laughing in the background while good ol’ J.R. wails in the background “My God! Kerry’s screwed us all! Why, Kerry!? Why!?”

Damn you USC! You couldn’t just keep winning or at least lose to a legitimately good team like Cal? Now I have to worry about you coming into the ND game with possibly 2 losses which would make the game next to meaningless. You putz!

Prison Break is starting to lose my interest. They’re like Ricky Gervais. They take a long time to say absolutely nothing. At least Lost keeps you interested in adding in more and more possibilities. Prison Break feels like they’re just adding in more and more filler.

I think Bones has moved into my “most underrated shows on TV” list. It’s a procedural that has some great characters and introduces a lot of humor into an otherwise depressing subject area that prevents the audience from burning out on the darker aspects of the show *cough* Law and Order *cough*. Who would’ve thought David Boreanaz could survive an acting career past Angel? And Emily Deschanel needs to be put into the awards circuit. Her round circle with the 9 year old pageant contestants last night was priceless.

News and notes:

Back to the Bend! Making my first return visit to Notre Dame in 2 years this weekend for the UNC game. Giggity.

So the Wachowski Brothers: The Matrix, V for Vendetta….. Speed Racer? Apparently so. Coming summer of 2008.

Simpsons Tree House of Horror! This Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!

Until next time:

“It's no different than lying to a criminal to get a confession.”

“Or having Hodgins call the FAA with a fake terrorism tip.”

“He did what!?”

“Oh what? Now suddenly there's a line?”