So, the Oscars are over which means it’s time to look forward to the summer movie season and so I proudly present the return of:
Jeff’s Top 5 Most Anticipated Summer Movies:
(in order of release)
V for Vendetta – So how take make me really look forward to a movie: Take a great Alan Moore graphic novel. Add the in Matrix’s Wachowski brothers (doesn’t matter what you thought of the sequels, they looked damned great). Cast Natalie Portman and Hugo Weaving. Commence drooling.
X-men 3 – So yeah, instead of Bryan Singer, we ended up with Brett Ratner. Yep, that’s a rather large step down. And there has been some questionable pictures sent out (with Colossus looking like a Halloween costume and Vinnie Jones looking a little stupid in that muscle suit. The jury is still out on the look of Beast). So why go see it? Great casting (Kelsey Grammar is perfect for Beast and Vinnie Jones, despite looking like crap, is the perfect attitude for Juggarnaut). And it’s still got Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellan. As long as those two are still in an X-men movie, I’ll go see it. (PS, yes, for those of you in the know or who paid attention to the trailers, I get the irony of that comment).
Cars – Yeah, the first trailer didn’t do much for me but I think that’s really just Pixar building a slow buzz. I think the final one will be much better and if nothing else, it’s Pixar. They haven’t missed yet and until they do, I’ll go to anything they put out.
Superman Returns – Bryan Singer doing Superman? Yep, I’m there. So Brandon Routh isn’t Christopher Reeves. No one will ever top Christopher Reeves. I’ve come to grips with that. But come on, it’s Bryan Singer doing Superman. That’s gonna be great.
Pirates of the
Honorable mentions:
A Scanner Darkly: Why? Richard Linkletter doing an “animated movie” (which if you’ve seen Waking Life, you know what that entails) based on a Philip K Dick movie equals quality sci-fi entertainment.
Da Vinci Code: Why? Cause the cast astounds me even if Tom Hanks is horribly cast and needs to cut that hair. It doesn’t make him look younger, just really really creepy.
News and Notes:
Oh my God! You killed Edgar! You bastards! So I’m a little pissed at 24. Of all the people to kill off, Edgar? Not to mention oh look, Tony is back on his feet a whole 7 hours after being BLOWN UP! So why do I keep watching this show? Simple: They brought in Peter Effing-“Robocop” Weller!!! That right there is enough to make me watch it this year AND next. In fact I think next year should be all about him. I mean come on, Peter Weller or Kiefer Sutherland? Is it even a question?
A new book is coming out alleging Barry Bonds took performance enhancing drugs. Ya think? – it’s gonna be huge.
Until next time:
“JD, I really don't wanna do this. Can't we just go home, and put on our PJs and watch "Grey's Anatomy"?”
“Oh, I do love that show. It's like they've been watching our lives and just put it on TV.”
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