Friday, February 18, 2005

Bring on the Imperialistic Condiments

Yes it’s true, the Mustard has finally returned. After some time off which let’s face it, wasn’t really time off as I spent all weekend moving and this week trying to put away all the massive amounts of random crap I didn’t even know I had. But I found some time to update the blog quickly. Seeing as how I still don’t have my internet connection up it might be a little while before things get legitimately back to normal.

Yes, I know, I’ve let the strip go for the past two weeks. Don’t worry; by next Monday I’m going to have a big update. It’ll be worth the wait, trust me. But it takes time to make that thing and that’s something I’ve most definitely been lacking as of late.

So the new apartment is looking good, much like the old one but with a few subtle differences (no bay window which is fine seeing as how I couldn’t see out the old one to begin with due to a big ol’ tree and the new place is on the first floor which I can’t tell you how thankful I was for that. My back hurt enough after moving everything without having to go up stairs with the heavy TV). I’m slowly getting everything back up and running.

The NHL cancelled its season… and? Let’s face it, anyone who actually had hopes they were ever gonna play after that first game was cancelled was smoking the wacky tobaccy. So hockey has taken another step back which really blows cause it’s a great game and the sooner the owners and players start treating it like that rather than trying to pretend it’s the NFL or MLB and a permanent staple of society, the better off hockey fans everywhere will be.

The Grammy’s were on last week. Did anyone watch them? To quote the Simpsons:

Homer:  Oh, why won't anyone give me an award?
: You won a Grammy.
Homer: I mean an award that's worth winning.

That’s about all I’ve got on that.

Speaking of award ceremonies, the Oscar’s are coming up in 2 weeks. I’m desperately rushing around trying to catch as many nominees as I can. I’ve got Ray, Sideways under my belt and am hoping to catch Million Dollar Baby this weekend and hopefully the Aviator soon too. I’ll catch Finding Neverland if I can cause I do want to see it but I can already tell that it has about as much a chance of winning as Notre Dame does of winning the Orange Bowl next year (but damn that was a great Boston College game basketball game, wasn’t it?). But I’ll probably have my pre-Oscar post the week beforehand to allow me to get as many movies in as I can. And I’m sure I’ll have a few rants to throw in there.

Speaking of rants, I’m going to try a new thing next week for my post. If you’ve ever been to, it’s going to be something along those lines so I’m open to suggestions over which shows to do. Just make sure they’re not like Scrubs or Lost or shows that I like cause while I would enjoy to do something like that, I don’t think it’d be as funny which is really what I’m aiming for with this. I’ve already got one show lined up and I’d like at least two more so let’s hear it. Thanks go out to Erin for the suggestion of trying this.

Also I need to make a special note here. For those of you who caught my ‘Douglas’ reference in the chapter 7 of the latest strip, I would like to add a little note of gratitude to Ms. Erin Long for coming up with the idea for that panel. I had a notion of trying to use the reference before but couldn’t come up with how and she just nailed it and probably made it the funniest reference I’ve done so far. So thanks hon.

Alright, until next time:

“Dr. Cox...”
”Newbie, if the next two words out of your mouth aren't 'See ya' then the third word will be 'Oh my god. My crotch. You've punched me in my crotch.'. “
”See ya.”


Anonymous said...

That's not going to be funny, because YOU are not funny.

Jeff said...

Ah an anonymous heckler on my own blog. Well on this blog I'm Picard and your Deanna Troi. Get used to it betazoid.