Mustard: Better than a 2x4 to the head.
Emmy time has come and gone and really not a whole helluva lot changed. Tony Shaloub (I really like Monk but 3 times for the same character who doesn’t really change? How does Steve Carrell not win that field?) and Megan Mullally (shoot me, shoot me now) took home their trophies without trying. And I don’t really agree with Kiefer taking best drama actor (rage against me all you want but all he does is act ANGRY or whisper). 24 as best drama? Again, I love the show but it barely makes more sense than Prison Break. Of course I might just still be pissed about Veronica Mars not being nominated (just finished up Season Two on DVD and it really was THAT good).
They did some things right: Jeremy Piven finally gets his recognition. The Office was at least worthy of best comedy if not nearly as good as Scrubs or Arrested Development. My Name is Earl got its recognition for Directing and Writing (yet apparently Two and a Half Men is more deserving of a best comedy nomination).
Conan was a great host ("um, we kind weren’t invited") and Bob Newhart still has the best facial expressions in the business. Also major props to all nominees for the Variety/Musical/Comedy Program writing teams for their nominee videos (The Colbert Report’s bears take the prize in my book).
Finally got a new phone and, thanks to Google and some kind souls on the mobilepedia message boards, have figured out how to make my own ringtones. Right now I’ve got the chorus to Spoon’s Beast and Dragon Adored as my main tone. The sound quality on the LG VX8300’s external speakers is fantastic.
So Deadwood is over (as far as normal episode go, now there’s just 2 movies that’ll be coming out). This show is truly rewarding for those that have the patience for it. It’s not an easy show to watch (and I’m not just talking about the constant profanity or violence ie Dan’s fight with the Captain). It’s a slow burn show, incredibly deceptive of how much is going on in any given episode but it handles an ensemble cast better than almost any show on television. Ian McShane has officially hit my favorite actors list. Hell I almost went and saw Woody Allen’s latest cause he was in it and it takes a lot to get me to a Woody Allen movie these days. Great show, great story and I’ll miss it when it’s finally over. Plus it had Major Dad as the villain this year. Bonus points right there.
News and Notes:
Heading to the ND/GA Tech game in 4 days! College Gameday, baby! Finally back to an Irish football game. It’s been too long. NCAA Football 2003 predicted a 7-6 Irish victory.... maybe the scoring was a little low.
Zach Braff not heading back to Scrubs after this year? I don’t know what’s sadder: the thought of Scrubs without JD or that I heard about this through
I still do not understand the appeal of preseason NFL Football. I’m sorry, I just don’t.
Steve Trachsel: 14 Wins. Only 5 Losses. 4.98 ERA. And somewhere Roger Clemens weeps.
Until next time:
“Sexually transmitted diseases are no joke, Jane.”
“I wasn't laughing. I sneezed.”
“See how much you're sneezing when you have gonorrhea.”
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