Friday, December 16, 2005

Would you like me to call you a cab, or should I just whistle and have the flying monkeys bring the broom around?

Time to get a whole team of lawyers who will dine on Mustard flown in from the Orient.

So Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat. Seriously, isn’t that a little disturbing? I mean not only are we killing the bird for Christmas dinner we have to sing about it? Damn morbid Christmas carols. Moving on…

So the Grammy nominees were announced. Hey look at how many times Mariah Carey was nominated. Thus further cementing the pointlessness of the Grammys. Though perhaps if she doesn’t win anything she’ll have another meltdown. Is that horrible of me? Anyways…

Though I will say it was nice to see the Gorillaz get some recognition. They’re album Demon Days is excellent despite that really weird song with Dennis Hopper reading a fairy tale.

U2 got a helluva lot more than I expected. I mean I love U2 but their last album didn’t exactly flatten me.

If Rob Thomas’ “Lonely No More” beats out Jack Johnson’s “Sitting, Waiting, Wishing”, someone might need to be gravely gravely injured.

Can I get an explanation on how Maroon 5’s “This Love” gets nominated for this year’s awards? The song is like 10 years old.

Someone want to tell me how the ONLY Alternative music category is best alt album? This “Alternative” Field (basically meaning well hell, it’s not the Pop rock like the teeny bopper bands and it’s not rock music like Green Day and it’s not Kanye West so we have no idea where the hell to put it) has nominees of Arcade Fire’s Funeral which I’ve heard is great, Beck’s Guero (in my top 5 albums of the year list), Death Cab for Cutie’s Plans (number one in my top 5 albums of the year), Franz Ferdinand’s new album (Their Do You Wanna single is great) and the White Stripes’ Get Behind Me Satan (I don’t know if it’s in my top 5 but it’s got some great great songs. Oh wait, for some reason they nominated one of them, Doorbell, in the Rock performance category. How the hell does this work?). That’s a pretty good list. SO HOW THE HELL DOES THE EFF-ING POLKA FIELD HAVE MORE CATEGORIES IN IT!?!?!?

You know what, screw it. Ladies and Gentlemen


Death Cab for Cutie – Plans

Jack Johnson – In Between Dreams

Ben Folds – Songs for Silverman

Beck – Guero

Gorillaz – Demon Days

Weezer – Make Believe

Bloc Party – Silent Alarm

Bright Eyes – I’m Wide Awake, It’s Morning

Shout Out Louds – Howl Howl Gaff Gaff

White Strips – Get Behind Me Satan

Note this list is only for albums that came out in 2005. Some songs got big in ’05 but came out last year (The Killers, Keane) so they’re don’t make the list.

So between Narnia and Syriana last week, King Kong and Geisha this week, Producers and Munich next week, I have crapload of movies I need to catch up on. King Kong is getting done this week. Seriously.

News and Notes:

The strip. Is coming. Along. Very. Slowly. I know. I’m averaging about a panel a day. But what can I say? It’s the holidays and we’re all suffering.

Latest rumors is Arrested Development is being courted by both ABC and Showtime. Damn you, don’t move to Showtime! I don’t have it!

Scrubs is almost back!

The Grinch was on the WB the other night. So good. Why did they have to ruin it in the Jim Carrey evil muppet edition by giving the Grinch a reason to hate Christmas?

Until next time:

“They're actually arresting someone for stealing pudding and toilet paper?”

“No. They found twenty bottles of Vicodin in his backpack. Did you steal pudding and toilet paper?”

“What? No! I hate pudding, and I don't use toilet...paper. I have one of those French things that shoots water up your butt.”


“Bidet to you, sir.”

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