Wednesday, November 29, 2006

I am fast. Just to give you a reference point, I'm somewhere between a snake and a mongoose...and a panther.

Mustard, sure. Just no more turkey, please.

So rough loss for the Irish and the haters have commenced. I’ll say it right now: Notre Dame ended up over-rated this year. The only real quality win ended up being the GA Tech win. However, and I know everyone will call me an idiot for saying this, if Notre Dame had beaten Michigan, would everyone be saying how overrated and unworthy of a BCS game Michigan was? Look, the fact of the matter is that Michigan’s only quality win was over an admittedly over-rated Notre Dame. The only other tough game they really played was to Ohio State which they lost. Yeah there Wisconsin but seriously, they played an even easier schedule than Michigan so I don’t buy that. So Michigan, prove me wrong in your BCS game. That’s the real fun of the BCS: no more hiding behind an easy schedule for anyone.

Oh and Boise State? Attempt to play a real team and then we’ll talk about your “undefeated” season.

So I’ve caught up on the first 4 episodes of the O.C. to see if this “comeback” is real. It’s head and shoulders above the crap that was season 3 but I’m not ready to say it’s back just yet.

Heroes has officially got me. It’s a lot easier to hook someone when you have multiple episodes tivo’d for uninterrupted watching. Now which X-men will the rip off next?

Oh my God! You killed Ed Begley Jr.! You bastards! Just like Steven Guttenberg now that I think about it. Logan Echolls is my hero.

Caught The Fountain this weekend. I won’t waste a lot of time with a review as I’m still not even sure what I saw but I’m fairly certain I enjoyed it. This movie is a total mind trip. I haven’t been this challenged by a film since Lynch’s Mulholland Drive. I think Erin’s reaction at the end of it put it best: That movie was freaking weird! And she’s absolutely right. It’s not an easy movie and it’s damn near impossible to understand the whole thing. It’s got some great acting by Hugh Jackman and Rachael Weisz and the cinematography is absolutely gorgeous. So if you’re up for a movie that’s probably like nothing you’ve ever seen, give it a try.

And just cause it's fun:

News and Notes:

This just isn’t my sports year. I’ve accepted it. From the Rangers being swept in the opening round of the playoffs, to the Mets inability to go the distance, to the Irish failing to live up to the hype, to the collapse of the Giants, I’m just not going to win this year.

Can someone please explain to me the allure of shopping on Black Friday? I just don’t get it.

Peter Jackson: he’s not directing the Hobbit/ he is directing the Hobbit. Come on New Line, don’t be a bunch of asses. He only made you billions of dollars and gave you some actual credibility.

Until next time:

“What's you problem with a giant flat screen? I mean you love TV.”

“Yeah, but just because I love something doesn't mean I want it to be giant. I love grapes, you know, but I don't wanna sit down and eat one humongous ... no, that would be fun!”


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Maxo said...

Can someone please explain to me the allure of shopping on Black Friday? I just don’t get it.

I think there's some illustre meaning behind that..but not sure.