Friday, February 17, 2006

Tomorrow night, Pinky, we will come up with a new plan. One that isn't foiled by the atomic weight of gold.

Holy schnike it’s a double dip of the Mustard!

Yes, folks I decided after not updating at all last week and possibly upsetting you by only posting a music review piece and insulting Madonna, that I’d toss in a few random thoughts your way.

First off if Arrested Development is finally over (it’s gone from Fox and probably 50/50 on whether it goes somewhere else), then by God it went out in such a glorious fashion it puts most other series finales to utter shame (yes, I speak of you Friends! And you Seinfeld!). The finale was just an ode to everything that is genius about the show without having to resort to a dumbass clipshow (I speak of you yet again Seinfeld!). Hell I’d rank it right up there as one of my top series finales, better than both Buffy (cause that series just ended with everything resolving in the last 5 minutes of the episode) and Angel (cause that wasn’t originally written as a finale. Damn you WB!). There are not many shows I’d say this but if it doesn’t come back I will be more than content with having those 3 seasons on DVD.

Scrubs has officially moved up to the top spot of my must watch list. Yeah, I kinda wish they had aired it starting the beginning of the year but hey, I haven’t minded a full hour every week. Any show that can make my wife start crying cause she’s laughing so hard by using Bel Biv Devoe’s Poison by automatically earns favorite show status. Donald Faison has just reached all new heights of comedic brilliance. Also very excellent for Scrubs’ fans is that, since his new show just got axed, Tom Cavanaugh is coming back this season as JD’s brother.

Never has a show disappointed me by blowing an enticing idea like Grey’s Anatomy did with the 2nd part of its Super Bowl episode. I mean what the hell happened? Did the first writer suffer some horrifying injury causing them to be replaced with the writing staff of the O.C.? It was just so gimmicky and clichéd I was just expecting Oliver to walk in, miraculously disarm the bomb and start competing with McDreamy for Meredith’s affections.

Am I the only one who doesn’t like Chloe on 24? The character is supposed to be comic relief (I guess) but I feel like she’s only there to act annoyed in a way eerily reminiscent of Napolean Dynamite. “Just do what I tell you Edgar! Gosh!”

Veronica Mars has actually managed to surpass last year which is no small feat considering they had to slash their budget and cut way back on a lot of their actor’s screentime. But damn if they don’t currently have the best regular guest list on TV right now.

As for the strip, I’m making a bold prediction right now that it will be finished up by the end of next weekend. Now to see if I can follow up on this drunken boast…

Best Picture Nominee Count:



  1. Good night and Good Luck

Yet to see:

  1. Brokeback Mountain
  2. Capote
  3. Crash
  4. Munich

News and Notes:

Is it just me or are the Olympics barely interesting to watch anymore? Yeah, it was funny as hell when the American snowboarder tried to pull a showboating move off while way in the lead of her race and ended up crashing, but seriously who cares all that much about the double luge?

[Insert Dick Cheney Hunting Accident Joke Here]

Will something just friggin’ happen on Lost already?

Awww, Sammy Sosa might retire? I think I’ll cry about the injustice done to him when the best offer he could get was a half a mil offer from the Nats (Thank God he didn’t actually accept. It was bad enough having him 30 miles away in Baltimore).

Until next time:

“Pinky, are you pondering what I’m pondering?”

“I think so Brain, but Zero Mostel time anything will still give you Zero Mostel.”

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