I won’t lie, I laughed harder at last night’s Gilmore Girls than I laughed during just about any other show this year not named Scrubs. And yes for the last time I’m straight!
Not much going on chicos and chicas. Mets are continuing to be interesting to watch (did you see Saturday’s beatdown on the Nationals?) and therefore by them not sucking, I’m happy. I’ll actually be catching the game this Friday when they’re in town to play the Nats again.
Albums you should be listening to:
Franz Ferdinand – Franz Ferdinand
The guitar riff on Take Me Out alone is worth the price of admission but this is also a really good album. Reminded me a little of Modest Mouse’s latest… if Modest Mouse was singing all the time as opposed to screaming. Check out the opener Jacqueline as well as Matinee. This album is meant to be played with the amp at 11.
Elliot Smith – From A Basement On The Hill
Unbelievably tragic, the loss of this ridiculously talented artist. This album was still in development when Smith died so it’ll never actually be known what it would’ve sounded like had he completed it. But released as it was as it was, this is a pretty powerful album. And I dare you to listen to A Fond Farewell knowing the circumstance of Smith’s death and not get emotional.
News and Notes:
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy comes out this Friday. Wooooooooo!
Have you noticed that the new ads for XXX 2 have the Who playing in the background? Ok, XXX is supposed to be the new "anti"-Bond for the young generation. Last one was all about crazy punk music. So they figured the Who would really entice the teenage crowd? What the hell are these idiots thinking?
The new Gavin DeGraw music video for Chariot directed by Zach Braff is out. Great cameo by Donald Faison (Turk) in it. And I love DeGraw’s album and I think he’s an extraordinarily talented artist but damn, he might be one of the ugliest men on earth. Maybe it was just bad makeup and wardrobe but yikes man, get some sun.
Ripping off the Zach Braff blog but still funny as hell: http://www.realpie.com/funny_video/video_pop.html
New trailer
Strip back up and running. AOL’s been fussy lately for some reason so if you get a page cannot be displayed error just refresh your browser.
Alright banditos y banditas, until next time:
"Unforunately for Jake he still had to pass mustard with Turk and me and nothing is quite as daunting as our good guy test."
"Well I could use a beer."
"I got this round. Be right back."
"Good guy!"
"Great guy!"
"Nice choice!"