Thursday, December 16, 2004

Purple Monkey Dishwasher

Ladies ladies ladies! The Mustard is in the hiz-ouse! I’ve been getting pretty bad about the weekly Monday updates recently, haven’t I? Well I spent this Monday getting sick so as fun as that was I figured I’d push back the update a few days.

After a whole lot of time and effort that I really should have been putting to better use but didn’t cause this was more fun, Episode II of the strip if finally done. Wow, I actually completed two full episodes, I’m so proud. Yes, again I’m going to be taking some time off again before I start up the third one (and yes, I do have a general storyline arc for 6 full episodes). I’d probably look for it to start up again after the holidays. But in the meantime you can hold yourself over by reading both Episodes here.

Great times were definitely had this weekend as I was Mr. Socialite with parties Friday and Saturday. And based on the amount of alcohol consumed on Saturday night, that might explain Monday a little bit. But props to Lauren for a great party Saturday night and to my apartment complex for the free party on Friday. If only they hadn’t covered up the shuffleboard table for the food!

The Mets have Pedro! Now if he can just stay healthy. Wow, so you’re the “other” New York baseball team who, in the vein of all New York teams, have the highest payroll in your league, however unlike the Yankees, you’ve been god awful for the past 4 years. In the past you’ve made some of the worst contract decisions in the history of the game by signing big price players who don’t even come close to earning their keep. The Mets better pray to God that Pedro breaks that tradition.

The NHL: still not playing and better yet, no one really cares. Honest to God the players and the owners seriously don’t seem to realize that if the keep this up the league is just gonna fold due to no one caring about hockey anymore and then they won’t even need a Collective Bargaining agreement. Only another year or so til the next Olympics right?

Well as fall sweeps are over and the recent Golden Globe awards have come out showing just how astute they are in they’re TV show nominations (seriously, why in the hell is Will & Grace still nominated for everything? It was good for like 2 years and now simply riding those 2 years for as far as it can go.), I figured I’d give my mid-season impressions thus far:

Best Drama: Lost - the first new show in years that I actually can’t predict exactly what’s gonna happen. They do a great job of juggling a huge cast of characters and actually keeping things interesting.

Close Second place: Gilmore Girls gets in here cause it’s one of those half way shows which is hysterical half the time and dead serious the other. But the writing is still great and they actually referenced Buffy the other week so I have to mention this one.

Best Comedy: Scrubs – like you didn’t know! Oh, come on it’s a fantastic show people, now watch it! Actually it’s impressive that in this day and age Scrubs is one of the few half-hour comedies that continues to survive the reality wave. I mean think about it, NBC didn’t even debut a new sitcom this year. The only other one they really run is Will & Grace (see above). CBS’s Monday night and ABC’s Fridays are pointless as no one really watches them. So it’s all the more impressive that Scrubs got picked up for another 3 years. Also funniest line of the year when Dr. Cox explains about the incident involving his toddler son and a rum cake.

Honorable mentions:

Arrested Development – it’s second season looks to be even better written and wittier than the first. But due to the Fox delayed fall schedule it’s only had a couple episodes so far and therefore too soon to call it the best comedy.

The Venture Brothers – if you are one of those Cartoon Network Adult Swim junkies who enjoys Futurama, Family Guy and the demented Indie cartoons like Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Sealab 2021 and Harvey Birdman, then you know how good this send-up of Johnny Quest is. So demented yet so damn funny, you just have to appreciate a show with a power-mad super-villain called the “Monarch” who dresses himself and his henchmen like butterflies.

Biggest surprise of the year: Veronica Mars – it’s been so many years since I’ve watched anything on UPN, I forgot they were still on. But this is actually an excellent show with witty, smart writing and a sense of humor that reminds me a lot of the Joss Whedon shows of the past (Buffy/Angel).

That’s all for now people. Until next time keep on dancing to the rock and rock on Saturday night, Saturday night.

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