Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Esoteric Means Delicious!

Bonjour you cheese-eatin’ surrender monkeys. It’s a new installment of the Mustard. I know it’s been a long time but hey, it’s worth it right? Cause otherwise how else would you keep up with my long-winded inane banter that rolls out on an almost weekly basis. Ok, so I’ve been bad about it lately but it’s been a few busy weeks.

First off, Episode II of the strip has begun again! Yay for that. I told you I was gonna take a few weeks off to rest my weary mind after putting out the end of the first one in like a week. So I rested and brainstormed and I’m back and better than ever. Well at least I hope so. Either way, you wanted it, you got it. Episode II of the strip found here.

Been an exciting couple of weeks with the engagement and all. I’ve talked to family members I forgot I even had. But things are falling into place thanks almost entirely to the tireless work of my wonderful fiancée. I’m doing my part by trying not to get in her way and doing whatever she tells me to do. It’s like we’re already married!

Notre Dame continues to be a constant source of anxiety for me. I mean come on! We can beat Michigan and Tennessee IN Tennessee but we can’t take BC or BYU? Geez, at this rate we’ll beat USC but lose to Pitt. Ah well, the important thing is we’ve clinched a winning record with that game and are bowl eligible. And our schedule right now is as good as we could want with Pitt next week (which should be a relatively easy one knock on wood) and then a bye week which’ll give them 2 weeks to prepare for USC. Hopefully that’ll allow them to give the Trojans a good game. Naturally, of course, USC also has a bye before the game. So here’s hoping. And all you people calling for Ty to be fired: please shut up. Thank you.

Ladies, do you wish your man would go see more romantic comedies with you? Fellas, do you wish you could get your girl to a horror flick or two? Well, people look no more. Someone finally made a movie for the both of you. It’s called Shaun of the Dead and with a tagline reading: A Romantic Comedy. With Zombies, how can you go wrong? Seriously, this movie was absolutely hilarious. Think Hugh Grant meets George Romero. And the funny thing is that about halfway through it I thought, “You know, take out the zombies and this would still be a pretty funny romantic comedy.” But come on, you don’t want to take out the zombies. They only make things better! The premise centers around a lazy Londoner who is perfectly content to remain working as a sales manager at a crappy appliance store and spend his free time playing video game with his loser best friend and taking a few pints at the local pub. His girlfriend wants him to put more effort into the relationship but he fails every time he tries. Oh and then the dead start to come to life. Shaun decides that he can make things up to his girlfriend by becoming a hero. Of course he can’t even make a dinner reservation let alone fend off the oncoming hoards of the undead. Hilarity ensues. Yes, there is your standard horror movie gore in there but it’s definitely not nearly as bad as the straight up horror flicks. And half the time it’s part of the humor. The movie does a fantastic job of subtly introducing the zombies into the movie. Think about that last sentence: zombies and subtlety? Yet that’s how it happens and it’s fantastically funny. Overall I give this a high recommendation as the best of both worlds date movie of the year. Oh, and look for nice nods to such classic horror/zombie fare as Romero’s Dead trilogy, Evil Dead and 28 Days Later.

Looking forward to seeing the Incredibles this weekend. No, amazingly enough, the Pixar lover that I am, I didn’t make it opening weekend but I will, never fear.

Headed back to New York for a nice 4 day weekend starting Wednesday night. Can’t wait to see the family. I only hope Erin doesn’t get completely blown over by the inevitable multitude of engagement/marriage questions from my family.

Until next time faithful reader….

…. take care (what you thought I was gonna be deep or something? This is me.)


Anonymous said...

Wheee a new post!

DCrowley said...

Huzzah the mustard!

Huzzah making her do all the work! You've truly grasped the secrets to a successful marriage, and you haven't even technically started. Uh, just kidding, Erin...