Na na na na na na na na, Mustard! Na na na na na na na na, Mustard! Mustard! Mustard! Mustard!
That was to the theme of Batman, if you didn’t get it.
So another year in the life of Mr. Snow has come and gone. I know for the most part I tend to rant and rave in this blog but I’m not all full of anger and contempt. So in honor of my birthday, I’m doing a 180 and presenting you with:
Things I’m Grateful For in the Past Year:
(in no particular order)
My Family, each and every semi-dysfunctional one of them
Jackasses in
The Simpsons, still crazy after all these years
The Family Guy being back on TV
Jeff, that wiggle that just sleeps too doggone much
Scrubs being the funniest show on TV and still going
Scrubs on DVD!
A Star Wars movie that doesn’t suck
A Batman movie that doesn’t suck
A Van Helsing movie that sucked but I had had a few beers before which made it funnier than it was probably supposed to be
Discovering new music that is innovative and fun and actually good
Hating Booter for being all the way over at the band building and why the hell can’t he just meet us at the library? What the hell is wrong him? Why is he such an ass?
“I have to tie my shoe. You guys go on up ahead.”
Get Fuzzy
Having 12 hours worth of Lord of the Rings Extended Editions on DVD
Me getting
Being up on
Pointless competition.
Now officially owning every episode of Buffy and Angel.
Coronas and chips at Mexicali blues.
New carpet.
People taking their shoes off before walking on new carpet.
Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim.
Margarita’s in 20 oz Coke bottles.
Long days by the pool.
Baseball in DC.
Baseball in
The Mets maybe kinda almost not sucking…?
People actually reading my dumbass strip that I just started making one night when I was bored.
Peanuts, peanut butter, cats, milk, chocolate, and other things that can kill Booter.
Friends with good senses of humor.
Acceptance of male pattern baldness with grace and nobility.
Booter and Ashley’s happy new year.
Pictures of Booter and Ashley’s happy new year.
Booter’s New Year outfit.
Give me my hair back! Why God why???
Power hours and CD’s made for them.
A new car!
A 95 year old Great Grandmother who emails every week and is into Harry Potter.
Wednesday nights.
Brock’s reach around on Gilmore Girls
Michel’s reach around on Brock
Did I mention it was a keg of Yuengling?
Mmmmmmm…. Yuengling.
Douglas Adams books.
Café Asia takeout.
Owning an iPod.
Not joining the "iPod nation".
Hey remember that time I got Bruce Campbell’s autograph and had birthday cake with him?
Beers on the balcony.
Concert buses and the beer provided on them and the shelter they provide from torrential downpours.
And finally a wonderful fiancée who makes me happy each and every day.
Ok, that’s not a complete list but I figure it’s enough for now, no?
Until next time:
“Boo-yah! Welcome to Kuzcotopia, my ultimate summer getaway! Complete with waterslide!”
“Isn't it great? It's my birthday gift to me! I'm so happy!”