~ Crowley
Its been a fun old week for Mr. Snow. I've been hard at work putting up a few new chapters of the strip. I got on a bit of a roll and cranked out a hefty chunk of Episode II. So check out Episode II of the strip here.
So we're at T-minus 4 days until the make or break game of the season for Notre Dame. Personally I think our season is pretty much decided. It didnt hurt that I got the ticket application for bowl games from Notre Dame today giving me the option of such highlights as the Insight Bowl and the Continental Tire Bowl. Seriously, this is such a crock of shiatsu. You basically have to guess which bowl game the Irish will get to (probably the Insight Bowl) and if you don't guess right, you don't get tickets. You can always send in a ton of money for all 3 bowls but the always frugal Notre Dame will not return your money to you until after it has collected as much interest as possible with it. Pretty sweet deal if you ask me... well for one side. Look I appreciate that they do give us the option of getting tickets to a bowl but what's wrong with them just sending an application that also gives people the option of asking for a certain number of tickets to whatever bowl game the Irish end up in so that we dont have to pay $145 to ensure we get a ticket to the correct bowl game?
I randomly came upon this book one day while walking through Barnes and Noble and it was on the summer reading table. I'd never heard of it before (I didn't keep up with the major novels put out in the past few years, especially while I was at Notre Dame) but the title intrigued me. Then I saw the big notice of it being a Pulitzer winner. When I came across the book while in Saratoga for Labor Day I decided to borrow it from my mother. I won't lie, it's a long book. But it is also a damn good one too. It begins with Joseph Kavalier, a young Jew who recently smuggled himself out of Nazi Prague during WWII, finding his way to his aunt in
I wont spend too long on this because, lets face it, if you're a fan of the Daily Show, you already have this book. If you don't then I can only imagine it's because you managed to fall into a coma the past few months and therefore missed the fact that Jon Stewart and the Daily Show team put out a book. If you're not a fan of the Daily Show but looking for something along the lines of either sharp political satire or just something to read that also happens to be funny as hell, then go get the book already. Honestly I dont think I've ever laughed so hard at a book in my life (if you don't believe me, just asked the people sitting next to me on the airplane who had to listen to me laugh out loud repeatedly during the flight (to any of those poor souls who are reading: I'm sorry.)) But yes, this book is just, to quote Peter Griffin, freaking hilarious. But dont take my word for it, just listen to the Amazon.com preview of the book:
DrC 64 25: for some reason, i'm wishing i still had senior bar available to me
DrC 64 25: and since i don't have any killian's to hoist to senior year, i just cracked open a guinness for last year
DrC 64 25: to hell with