Greetings and salutations my fine furried friends. I know what you're thinking: Snow's doesn't have a blog anymore? It went bye bye for almost a month. He even took it off his profile. Well, ha! I prove you wrong foolish mortals. Well that and the fact that I've just been rather busy the past few weeks. As some of you know, I've been doing a sprite strip similar to my ill-fated lord of the 5-man strip. Cept unlike that one, I've already done a ton of panels for it. So please, check out the strip ... NOW WITH ITS OWN WEBSITE!!!
Ok, so just got back from a visit to my anonymous girlfriend's or as some of you know her, Erin, family. Always a fun time. I got some quality lunchtime with the big man Dan Crowley, took care of a dead goose who didn't quite make it south for the winter, enjoyed a tapas bar (which apparently my mother misheard as being a topless bar... whoops), and generally just had a grand ol' time.
Ok, so some quick reviews:
NAPOLEON DYNAMITE - Well, this can be summed up pretty easily with: weird. I mean how to describe it? A few days in the life of a nerd? I'd heard a ton about this movie and how funny it was. It had some downright hilarious parts but quite frankly it was hit and miss. The movie came off as being a bunch of bits or sketches thrown together. Yes, the happy hands club bit and the presidential campaigns were absolutely fantastic, but for every one of those, there was another which was just like, oh, I get it, but it's not that funny. Overall, I'd put this one down as a rental when you're just in a mood for a really goofy movie that'll have you laughing at points and raising your eyebrows at others.
SKY CAPTAIN AND THE WORLD OF TOMORROW - I sum this one up as Indiana Jones with CGI and NOT directed by Steven Speilberg. It was truly enjoyable and I would recommend it to anyone just looking for a good fun summer flick now that's it no longer summer. I'm kinda glad this got put off to now because it can actually be a successful well written summer flick not named Spiderman 2. Oh, by the way, don't go see this movie looking for Angelina Jolie, she's in it for like 10 minutes of screentime. Gwyneth Paltrow plays her character as a perfect imitation of Lois Lane. You just watch her putting herself into situations of ridiculous danger all while thinking: STOP BEING SUCH A DUMBASS! Lois Lane to a T. Jude Law is not quite Harrison Ford but he's still pulls off the suave devil-may-care attitude of a man who's good at what he does and knows it. Laurence Olivier.... well, here's hoping that he's looking down on this movie thinking, "Not a bad performance on my part." Something a little creepy knowing he passed away in 1989. Then again, I suppose that only adds to the part.
Anyways, final verdicts: Sky Captain: Kickass fun! Napolean Dynamite: Eh, not bad.
If you're bored of the current selection of music playing on the radio (you know, the kind that's basically repackaged 80's power ballads without the long haired frontman), try out a few of these:
The Shins: If you recall a few posts back I talk about the Garden State soundtrack. Well these guys had 2 songs on there. Both of them are off their Oh, Inverted World album. I also really recommend their Chutes Too Narrow album. They're definitely Indie rock, but they have some serious talent going on there.
Gavin DeGraw - If you like Ben Folds (plus or minus the Five) or Five for Fighting, check out this talented up and comer. Piano Rock at its finest, he's got some awesomely catchy tunes. Probably most famous for I Don't Want to Be (theme song to that fantastic show One Tree Hill), he's got some great songs on his album Chariot.
Rhett Miller - Leadman of the Old 97's, he put out a solo album, The Instigator which has got some great indie pop on it. Check out Our Love or the extremely catchy Four-Eyed Girl. It's the song Terrible Vision that really stands out showcasing this gifted artist's talent.
Alright you crazy 88's, that's all for now. Take care of yourselves and each other and your little dogs too. Unless you don't have a dog. In which case, check out the strip... now with its own website!!! Peace, love and understanding y'all.
Monday, September 27, 2004
Wednesday, September 08, 2004
Worst blog entry ever!
Hola chicos y chicas. It's been quite a while since I last updated. I spent the good part of last week up in the Adirondacks, swimming, kayaking, laying out under the stars where there's no such thing as light pollution blocking your view of the night sky. Man that was bliss. Exactly what I needed after a few rough weeks at work.
Anyways, not a whole lotta news or interesting facts in the meantime. Tuesday night is officially my new TV night. First off in two weeks, the new season of Gilmore Girls will be starting up on the WB. While this may not seem like such a big deal, it has recently come to my attention that our very own Brock Domin will be appearing on camera this year. He didn't even need to have a nice fireside dinner with a man named Michelle to do it.
Scrubs is still the most consistently funny show on TV. Yes there is The Simpsons but unfortunately it's been hit and miss the past few seasons. Last season was one of the best they've had in years and I still love the show but I think it's safe to say that the glory years of the show have come and gone. But it doesn't matter cause either way, I'll still be tuning in every week.
Father of the Pride has been a surprise. The first episode was not all that fantastic but the second was laugh out loud hysterical. And the thing is that it's not really the animals that are all that funny but Siegfried and Roy themselves are great. Any show which can spend an entire show on how evil Matt Laurer is can only be written by a talented individual.
Other than that though TV is pretty much useless right now. I'll give Joey a shot to see if maybe it can capture the time when Friends was good week in and week out and I've been hearing good things about ABC's Lost. Hey, it's got Merry in it from Lord of the Rings. So those are my two maybes of the year. The rest is relegated to the pile o' crap.
Sorry for the relatively weak entry. I'll be back soon with an update of substance.... ok, let's face it. I don't do substance. Substance is no fun. But in the meantime, don't let Frances ruin your day. This means you Steinbrenner.
Anyways, not a whole lotta news or interesting facts in the meantime. Tuesday night is officially my new TV night. First off in two weeks, the new season of Gilmore Girls will be starting up on the WB. While this may not seem like such a big deal, it has recently come to my attention that our very own Brock Domin will be appearing on camera this year. He didn't even need to have a nice fireside dinner with a man named Michelle to do it.
Scrubs is still the most consistently funny show on TV. Yes there is The Simpsons but unfortunately it's been hit and miss the past few seasons. Last season was one of the best they've had in years and I still love the show but I think it's safe to say that the glory years of the show have come and gone. But it doesn't matter cause either way, I'll still be tuning in every week.
Father of the Pride has been a surprise. The first episode was not all that fantastic but the second was laugh out loud hysterical. And the thing is that it's not really the animals that are all that funny but Siegfried and Roy themselves are great. Any show which can spend an entire show on how evil Matt Laurer is can only be written by a talented individual.
Other than that though TV is pretty much useless right now. I'll give Joey a shot to see if maybe it can capture the time when Friends was good week in and week out and I've been hearing good things about ABC's Lost. Hey, it's got Merry in it from Lord of the Rings. So those are my two maybes of the year. The rest is relegated to the pile o' crap.
Sorry for the relatively weak entry. I'll be back soon with an update of substance.... ok, let's face it. I don't do substance. Substance is no fun. But in the meantime, don't let Frances ruin your day. This means you Steinbrenner.
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