The answer is mustard. Mustard is made from mustard seeds.
Ok, so random obscure SNL Celebrity Jeopardy reference. Moving on…
After a lovely weekend up north during which Erin found out that it’s cold and windy on a mountain top no matter how warm a day it may be and I found out that every single one of my little cousins has no problem water skiing while I can’t do it to save my life, it’s back to the good ol’ workplace in D.C.
Woo hoo! Mets are now only a half game out of the wildcard. After this coming week we’ll pretty much know where they stand as it’s 3 series in a row again the Phillies, Marlins and Braves. That’s rough.
ND football vs. Pitt this Saturday! Still pissed they moved the DC alumni game watch out to
So I have a few things I’m working on for the next couple entries but as I was thinking about the new TV season and how much I hate cliffhangers here’s a quick top 5 list for you:
- How the bleep is Elliot going to be a major character on Scrubs now that she’s moved to a different hospital?
4. Who the bleep was that at the door on Veronica Mars?
- How the bleep are those crazy kids on the O.C. getting out of the whole shooting Trey mess?
- What is Luke gonna say to Lorelei’s proposal on Gilmore Girls and is Rory really bleepin’ dropping out?
- What the bleep’ is in that bleepin’ hatch on Lost?
Death Cab For Cutie – Plans
So yeah, this just came out yesterday. I’ve already listened to it 3 times. I can’t even remember the last time I bought a CD the day it came out but after falling in love with this band from their Transatlanticism album and frontman Ben Gibbards lyrics and vocals on the Postal Service album, I was really looking forward to this. And it didn’t disappoint. It’s good. It’s really good. The opening track Marching in
News and Notes:
Saw the 2 hour premiere of Prison Break. Not too bad. Sure a whole lot of things happening dependent on pure luck but it’s TV. The show, if nothing else, is entertaining and as such it’s earned at least a couple more viewing.
Charlize Theron on Arrested Development this season? Dear God people why aren’t you watching this show?
Episode 5 getting a lot of love this week.
I really want to see the Constant Gardener. Ralph Fiennes and Rachel Weisz in a movie by the guy who did City of
Awesome new Harry Potter trailer here (trailer 2 in the trailer section). The music alone in this has me hugely excited to see it.
Until next time:
“Don't you always say "family first"?”
“Yes, but that is not a family. It's a bunch of greedy, selfish people who have our nose. And Aunt Lindsay”
“She's not really my aunt?”
“No, it's not a real nose. I have a picture of her when she was 14 in a bathing cap and she looks like a falcon.”