Thursday, September 22, 2005

Well, since no one submitted any nicknames I was forced to give one to myself. In retrospect choosing the nickname “Doobie” wasn’t the best choice.

“So let me walk these coals til you believe I can cut the Mustard well enough”

Seriously, the Shins albums have been sitting at the top of my favorites list for a year now and if you don’t have them, I say there’s something wrong with you. Personally I prefer the newer Chutes Too Narrow but Oh Inverted World has New Slang on it which is just one of the best songs ever. There. I said it. Moving on.

Tough ND game last weekend with the loss to Michigan St but honestly, I’ll say it right now, I think this might have even been a good thing for them. Before you kill me for daring to suggest a loss was a good thing, let me explain. In the past when the Irish, coming off a big win, have come out flat and fallen behind in a game, they usually have just been steamrolled. This time they fell 21 points behind and rather than roll over, Brady Quinn (who had been sucking up to that point) led the comeback with an astounding quick pass game to tie it up and send it into overtime. Yes, they lost in overtime and that sucks but they didn’t die and that is something to be happy about. Cause I’ll tell you right now USC is going to be unbelievably tough and if the Irish even want to have a chance, they’re gonna need to fight for every inch and not give up if the Trojan’s take an early lead. Hehehe….Trojans.

My Giants are 2-0. Sweeeeeeet. Eli actually looked good Monday against the Saints. Too bad the Saints weren’t looking too good. A home game in New York? Sorry NFL, as great as that may have been for publicity, there’s no such thing as giving another team a “home” game in New York. Or New Jersey as the case may be.

One month til the big day. And yes I know I owe Erin like everything in the world for everything she’s done to get this wedding together. She’s amazing and this is why I’m marrying her. Well that and the way she can beat up Booter. That’s just funny.

So Lost is back. I’m proud of all of you who have come around and started watching it. Holy crap was that a good season premiere and the more I think about it, it was also good for someone who wanted to just start watching it. Yeah, you won’t get all the in depth background of the characters but I think you could pick up enough to understand what’s going on and be not too much more confused than the rest of us who have been watching it from the beginning.

As for the new shows:

Bones – not bad, I enjoyed the offbeat characters and I think you’ll enjoy it if you like crime procedurals ala CSI or Law and Order.

My Name is Earl – Verdict is still out on this one. I love Jason Lee, I think he’s hysterical. The first 2/3 of the pilot was spent setting up the rest of the series so I’ll give it a chance to see if it takes off from here.

Kitchen Confidential – This was actually really really funny and I recommend checking it out. Again it’s tough cause the pilot spends it’s time setting up the rest of the series but I definitely laughed hard during some of the scenes. Plus the cast is terrific. Any series with Zack from Wedding Crashers, Xander from Buffy, Harold from Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle and Sam from Freaks and Geeks is definitely worth checking out.

News and Notes:

One week until Serenity! Ok, people last chance, I'm begging you, if you've never seen Firefly before, despite my pleas to check it out, now is the time. This is the best sci-fi show to come along in years, bar none. Please, at least do me the favor of just watching the first 2 part pilot episode. Run out and rent it, or I'll loan it to you or hell, I'll burn a copy of it and you can watch it on your computer. Just check it out and if it doesn't make you want to see Serenity, ok. But I guarantee you, if you see the first episode, it'll hook you.

Hey look, Everybody Loves Raymond took the Emmys. I believe I predicted just about all of that. Congrats to Monk. Yay Lost. Ha, kiss my ass Will & Grace, no emmys for you. William Shatner over Terry O’Quinn? The hell? I’d also like to point out that William Shatner is the comic relief on Boston Legal and yet won best supporting actor in a DRAMA!!! And hilarious acceptance speech from the Arrested Development guys: “I’d like to remind you that once again you’re honoring us something you will not watch.”

Speaking of Arrested Development, it’s back and now on Mondays. There is NOTHING else to watch on Mondays at 8 o’clock, people. Start watching the show. If you seriously watch 7th Heaven, Wife Swap, Surface or the King of Queens over this show I will personally come to your house and smash your TV with a bat because you do not deserve to own one.

Ok, reason # 498754 you should be watching Veronica Mars: Joss Whedon is now guest starring as a used car salesman. That makes Charisma Carpenter as a MILF, Kevin Smith as a Clerk, and Joss Whedon doing the dance of joy* this season. Friggin’ watch this show.

Holy crap did the O.C. suck last week. I mean truly truly sucked. And I’m not talking it’s-the-O.C.-it’s-not-really-supposed-to-be-award-winning sucked. I’m talking Joey sucked. I seriously hope whoever wrote that was fired.

Still working on writing Episode 6 but between the wedding and the impending move in 2 weeks, time is a little tight. I will get it going though, I promise.

Until next time:

“I just went off my post partum medications”
“You’re still taking that? You had Buster thirty two years ago.”
“And that’s how long I’ve been depressed about it.”

* I have no idea if he’ll be doing the dance of joy. But it would be pretty damn funny if he did.

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